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A member registered Jun 14, 2019

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any requirement to the phone , mine is Xs and iso 15. iirc 

hello mr ryu , im wonder if this game will be available on ios .and if it  will ,will it have nsfw contents on ios as well ?

i cant play the game on my 32bit window  ..

I only saw one-option download , and it didnt work on my PC ...

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I tried it , it said "This app cant run on your PC , to find a version for your PC ,check with the software publisher" ..

Can i play the game on window 32bit ?

Is it suitable for window 32bit ?


How do i get the quest "The first search" with logan ? and  how to use Feminine Juice ?

how could i get the scene with hayden ? 

i didnt get the option entering the camp outside of night time @@ 

@Hayo, how to get the bottom logan scene , i have tried a few hours to get it by myself and found nothing. the game is better everyday btw good job.

actually after the bandit camp event , the MC peeps on logan at night .. that was all i got..

yeah me too anyone help ~.~ i kept coming back to sawmil every night and he is not there.

any new scene with logan yet ? all i saw is him shirtless ...

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does my iphone need anything to play it ???

Can i play it on my iphone ?